Parish Membership

Who can join?

In accordance with Normal Parish By-Laws of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, any Orthodox Christian who tends to the moral and economic welfare of the parish, who pays membership dues, and who receives confession and Holy Communion at least once per year, may become a parish member. Only members in good standing may vote at the Annual General Meeting.

How to join?

Membership forms are available at the candle kiosk, or on our parish website. Please complete a membership form and return it to a member of the Parish Council.


Membership is not a requirement!

All are welcome to attend Divine services and participate in normal parish life, and those baptised in the Orthodox Church may participate in the Holy Sacraments of confession and Holy Communion.

Annual Membership Dues

  • Working member $120
  • Non-working member (seniors, students, or not employed) $60

Payments can be made by cheque or e-Transfer, and must specifically indicate that they are for parish membership dues.

  • Cheques payable to: Blessed St. Xenia of Petersburg Russian Orthodox Church
  • e-Transfer sent to:

Questions: Please direct any questions to a member of the Parish Council, or directly with our Parish Rector, Fr. Oleg.