
Parish Sisterhood

The Blessed St. Xenia of Petersburg parish has an invaluable and active Sisterhood. The Sisterhood’s purpose is to help support and maintain the Cathedral and contribute to the life of the parish. The patron Saints of the Sisterhood are the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women, who are celebrated on the second Sunday following Great and Holy Pascha.

Some of the responsibilities of the Sisterhood include the maintenance of the clerical and church vestments, occasional cleaning and decoration of the Cathedral in advance of Great Feast Days and the operation of the bookstore. To help raise funds, the Sisterhood also provides lunches for parishioners after Sunday Divine Liturgies during the school year. Together with the Church Council, it also organizes several important parish fundraising events such as the annual Christmas Bazaar, and others throughout the year.

All interested individuals are encouraged to join or otherwise support the efforts of the Sisterhood and thereby contribute to the life of the parish. Anyone who is a member of the parish may join.